Speech problem embarrasses us most while speak. People who are suffering from speech problem generally faces huge setback in communication at job, social gathering or in any places. This makes them unsocial. The numbers of such people is not small. For an example, around 7.5 million people in USA are having problem with their voice. This stat is just for one country. Now hope you can imagine what is the approximate number of people worldwide with some kind of speech problem. If these huge workforce stay idle or can’t use their full potential then we will face a huge amount of setback in our civilization progress.
So how to solve these people’s speech problem? Who can help them? From this need to help these people a new profession has started: Speech Pathologist. Speech Pathologists provides therapy sessions to vocally challenged people. This includes voice exercises, talking, communication skills etc. First they will check the patient to determine the problem and according to the diagnosis they start therapy.
So now you can guess about the potential of choosing speech pathology as career. Still now the numbers of required speech pathologists are very low compared to the numbers of people with speech problems. A job as a speech pathologist is a challenging one. Every case is different, every client is different. And for the job prospect either you can work as an individual Speech Pathologist or you can join a voice therapy or speech therapy center.
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